
Experience a dog-friendly stay in Charlevoix: for real!

A dog in a room at the La Secousse hostel

When you hear the irresistible call of the mountains and you dream of bringing your dog along, Charlevoix is the destination of both your dreams! Pack your backpack, fill up on doggie treats and hit the road for La Malbaie for an unforgettable experience.

Head for the La Secousse hostel!

Considered one of Québec’s most beautiful regions, Charlevoix is the most awesome destination for fun with your furry friend, and of course to fully enjoy it, you need a place to spend a comfortable stay with your loyal companion. This is where La Secousse comes in!

Located in La Malbaie, the hostel is delighted to welcome dogs and their best friends, and it offers everything for a great stay together. Not only can your companion stay in your room, they will enjoy the immense pleasure of a large yard to play in unrestricted freedom. What’s more, breakfast is included, so you can start your day on the right foot – and the right paws!

Un chien devant l'auberge La Secousse

Near the hostel, you’ll find a magnificent little beach with a park where you can stroll together. We recommend visiting at sundown for a glorious view of the golden sky over the bay. On your return, the two of you can enjoy the patio at the La Secousse pub, where you can order yourself a cool, local brew, while your dog makes new friends! End the evening with fellow travellers then call it a night so you can get up early for more adventure.

Activities for two?

If you’re the outdoorsy type, Charlevoix is your perfect playground. We strongly recommend Zec des Martres, the region’s most dog friendly park, with its vast area full of awesome hikes. Then, you’ll want to experience the sunset at Mont du Dôme for one of Charlevoix’s most beautiful views.

Une personne qui marche avec ses chiens
Une personne qui marche avec un chien

SÉPAQ offers a few options. We recommend hitting the trail at La Chouenne in the Parc national des Grands-Jardins, and the truly enchanting Baie-des-Rochers for another incredible view.

Finally, if you like the water and your dog is comfortable with watercraft, head for the Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie, where you can rent a paddleboard, canoe, or kayak and explore the Malbaie River together. It’s without a doubt one of the area’s most unique dog-friendly experiences. You must plan ahead, however: the rental centre does not rent floatation devices out to dogs, so you’ll need to pack your own!

Une personne en Kayak avec son chien
Un chien avec une veste de flottaison
Une personne sur une planche à pagaie avec un chien qui nage

Get your gourmet on together!

Your vacation wouldn’t be complete without a few dog-friendly patios to enjoy some fine dining. We recommend the following:

Un chien assis à une table de restaurant

Charlevoix is your next dog-friendly destination!

Now that you’ve got your doggie do list, it’s time to book a stay in the region. Come experience the magic of Charlevoix together and fall in love with the landscape. Great pleasures await the two of you!

Un chien en randonné
Un chien et son maitre au sommet d'une montagne
Un chien au sommet d'une montagne